Know your Minerals.
Know your Minerals.
Backed by a powerful automated system that eats spreadsheets, Royaltize can help you take control of your existing holdings.
Track your deals as they progress from negotiations to inventory; keep tens or thousands of acquisitions at your fingertips with milestones customized to your internal workflows.
No deal is too complicated. We've spent years honing our data structures to handle whatever the industry demands so you don't have to cut corners with your internal records.
A system is only as good as its reports, and ours are the best. You'll be amazed at what you get out of the box, and with formula-based fields you can create yourself they're endlessly extensible too.
Our modern web-based system is anywhere you need to be.
Do you know in which plays you're most heavily invested? How many leases are expiring each month this year? We can help you visualize it.
Are you selling your holdings? Let us help you organize your data and produce attractive, informative reporting that will maximize your returns.
Our reports will amaze you; quarterly reports that used to take weeks to prepare can be accessed live. But you can download the data to perform your own spreadsheet wizardry whenever you like.
In 2014 we realized that there was no purpose-built software serving the needs of mineral interest owners, despite the tremendous value of the minerals under management and the overwhelming complexity involved. We worked for over two years in "stealth mode" with our industry partners, learning the industry and bringing 20+ years of data management experience to bear in order to bring a simple but powerful solution to market.
We are excited to present Royaltize.
Please contact us for more information. We'd love to arrange a demo and discuss what we can do for you.
© 2017 SBCotton